Class Identifying Info
- Course Title: eGenealogy
- Course Number: CPT362
- Term: Spring, 2022
- Day and Time: 9:00 Mondays, 8 weeks
- Classroom Location: Zoom
Instructor Information
- Name: Duane Leet
- Telephone: 864.457.6669 (text is best)
- email:
Course Information
The unabridged version of the Course Description in the OLLI Furman course catalog is:
Have you been able to use the internet to efficiently research your genealogy? Or maybe you have used a genealogy site such as with mixed results: both conflicting and redundant information that seems to be more of a hindrance than a help. Do you feel frustrated at not being able to effectively or efficiently organize you family pictures and memorabilia? Have you used the Family Tree Maker program that runs on your computer? Did you know it can link seamlessly to your online databases? Did you know there are many useful tools hidden in Family Tree Maker that compensate for the weaknesses of online tools? How about publishing family stories or even more complete histories suitable for sale on as eBooks. Do you know the ropes? Would you like to learn about the DNA matching function? This will be a Zoom class, allowing you to work from your own computer during the class. Classroom time will be evenly divided between basic techniques, hints, and tips, and classroom lab, where you can use Family Tree Maker and internet resources. Bring your enthusiasm for genealogy and participate. Both Mac and Microsoft users are welcome. Note: If you don't have Family Tree Make 2019, you will be provided with a link to receive a deep discount for the application. |
I teach seven primary tool sets.
- The first three have to do with genealogy research: Internet browsing with an internet search engine, record exploration with the web sites, and genealogical tree construction and modification using Family Tree Maker and various online databases.
- The fourth tool set are YouTube tutorials.
- The fifth tool set is for publishing your results. These results can be in the form of "straight" genealogy charts, books or, in today's market, multimedia presentations via Youtube, ebooks, and web sites.
- The sixth tool set are websites that help you analyze and use your DNA results to facilitate your genealogical research.
- The seventh tool set are social media sites for correspondence, asking and answering questions, and continued guidance as you pursue your hobby. We will be using, as the social media site and Teamviewer for personal one-on-one guidance, and the Olli eGenealogy blog..
OllieGenealogy blog
- This blog supports courses in Genealogy taught at Olli Furman.
- The "e" in eGenealogy is for "electronic," to emphasize that the focus will be on using internet and computer resources.
- YouTube provides a function called Playlist that supports building a class playlist of YouTube videos. The eGenealogy course playlist is here. Save this link in your browser favorites. OR this same set of videos is available on the right side of this blog, labeled YouTube eGenealogy Playlist.
- An in-class demo will go into detail on using the blog.
- Typically, a blog entry will correspond to a teaching section, which corresponds roughly to a single class. However, there will be exceptions. Furthermore, as questions occur that are of general interest, I will post the questions and answers on the blog.
- Feel free to comment or ask questions in the comments field below each post. Note that those comments will be viewed by those who have access to the site.
These are the important prerequisites:
- You must know how to use and manipulate files and folders. For Microsoft operating systems, an example Youtube tutorial on this skill is: If this tutorial doesn't help, go to the browser search or address bar and type something like: "YouTube Windows x Files and Folders." Pick a title that seems best for you. Once in YouTube, other options will be displayed on the right side of the browser page. For Apple operating systems, an example Youtube tutorial is For an Apple device, this link is probably most helpful: It is not a video, but it seems to work best for me. Otherwise, follow the search instructions above.
- You must know how to use a browser. Experience with any browser is sufficient. As with the previous requirement, Youtube provides an endless selection of tutorials on whichever browser you favor. "Google" the browser name plus "Youtube user instructions" or something similar.
- You must be able to learn a new application, Family Tree Maker, and a new web site (
- You are strongly encouraged to have a license to Family Tree Maker 2019.
The reason for these prerequisites is past experience with this course: You will not be satisfied with the course material if the instructor has take class time or lab time to teach basic computer skills. If you don't have these skills, you might feel the course is way over your head, even though the genealogy-related skill set is not difficult. So, if you feel insecure about your computer skills, go through the Youtube tutorials or your do your own research. If you continue to feel insecure, you should probably drop the course.
- Attend every class on Zoom. Each class builds on the last.
- Read the corresponding material on the blog. Browse over the material before class.
- Practice the material presented in one lecture before the next. In general, the material presented is not difficult to learn. But you will be at the end of a firehose, with many features presented with each class. If you don't faithfully practice them between classes, you will forget them. This is not a recreation class; it's a skill-building class. You will get your money's worth if you practice the skills.
- I expect each student to make one or more appointments with me for a one-on-one session of 1-2 hours. It would be best if we have at least two of these sessions during the semester. I will provide personal guidance on your genealogy and the trees or documents you are have. The tool we will use for these sessions is (personal use)
- More in the next section...
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